Professional Training – Muscle Diastasis Rehab Canada

Professional Training

About Tupler Technique® Training Program

To take the professional Tupler Technique® Training Program you must be a licensed medical professional (doctor, nurse, physical therapist, occupational therapist, chiropractor, massage therapist) or certified fitness professional. If your profession is not listed, please contact us and ask! Medical and fitness professionals must have a current license or certification.

Training Process

Process of Getting Trained To become a Tupler Technique® Trained Professional, the professional must complete an in-depth training program and pass a written exam and a demonstration exam. After the training agreement is signed, the program will begin with an eight-week home study course. During this period, professionals will learn the Tupler Technique® and practice this on three case studies (themselves and two other people) as well as submit in Week 8 a demonstration exam video that they have watched and graded using their demonstration exam excel sheet. During the three day class (either in Toronto or via ZOOM ) they will be presenting their case studies, and taking a written and demonstration exam.

Course Overview

The three-day course in Toronto City or via ZOOM entails:

Day One

  • Professionals will practice checking for a diastasis, taping, putting on the Diastasis Rehab Splint® and presenting their case studies.
  • They will need to have three or more people to practice on, to complete the program via the ZOOM.

Day Two

  • Practice the demonstration exam. Professionals will need to bring a person to practice on if they are doing the ZOOM program.
  • Three hour Everybelly® Seminar taught by Julie Tupler. If they are doing the ZOOM program, they need to invite people to watch the seminar that they can check for a diastasis. Show how to do the exercises as well as demonstrate how to put on splint.

Day Three

  • Perform demonstration exam. They will need to provide the person they will be demonstrating on if they are doing the Skype class. 
  • Certificate awarded after successful completion of written and demonstration exam.

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